Ron Barron, Certified Shiatsu Therapist

Downingtown, Pennsylvania | 610-873-8340

Food as Medicine

To feel your best, food must be seriously considered. The quality of the foods you eat greatly affects the way you feel.

Processed foods and food additives will place stress’ on your bodys systems and can lead to a general lack of energy or vigor because your body is spending energy needlessly dealing with the additives it is digesting or because it isn’t getting the nutrition it needs because processed foods have been stripped of a necessary ingredient. Processed carbohydrates can lead to all manner of metabolic issues, the most obvious being weight gain, some of the worst being diabetic conditions. Foods processed with too many saturated fats will lead to poor vitality, liver issues and weight problems.

Unprocessed foods in their simple, natural state are the best for optimal body functioning. Eating a diet utilizing whole grains and fresh vegetables is best! A variety of protein sources should be consumed, both vegetable and animal, if desired, but if eating animal protein, care must be taken to make sure that the animal was raised in a sustainable manner. Meat and poultry products that were raised with antibiotics or hormones will simply pass these compounds on to their consumers with unhealthful effects. Animals raised in stressful environments will pass their stress hormones on to the consumers, leading to endocrine gland problems for those who eat a lot of it.

Generally, eating a diet filled with natural products can lead to a vigorous life. There are times, however, that adding certain foods or types of foods will help with transient conditions or situations such as an occasional headache, upset stomach or constipation. Often when people make big changes in their lifestyles and diets, they can feel upsets as well. This is where these special foods can be helpful.

The traditions that developed the ideas that Chinese medicine, and hence acupuncture and shiatsu were based on always included specific foods for specific situations or conditions. Contemporary investigation has confirmed many of these suggestions and has greatly elaborated on them.

Here are a few of my favorite medicinal foods. They not only have a medicinal purpose, but we can enjoy them all the time to help create a healthy condition.

  • Diakon Radish
  • Umeboshi Plums
  • Short Grain Brown Rice
  • Hijiki Seaweed
  • Sesame Salt
  • Miso Soup