Ron Barron, Certified Shiatsu Therapist

Downingtown, Pennsylvania | 610-873-8340


You will find information pertaining to stretching here: why stretching is valuable as well as some of the stretches that I find are helpful to my clients. Just use the pull-down menu to get started.

General Stretching Guidelines

Never force a stretch! Starting positions are where there is a mild stretch in the stretched area, but not so tight as there is pain or that you are fighting yourself. This is the tightness barrier. You should be feeling some tension in a muscle, not at a joint. Take a deep breath in. If you started with the correct tension, you should feel the stretch getting a little stronger with the in breath. Exhale. As slack is created in the stretch, simply take it up as you are exhaling, until you reach the next tightness barrier. Repeat for a minimum of 3 deep breaths.